...o, IMO-11111k sult11* , MI +. • •' Tuesday, Nov.'itt.,”7 .ot HA It ..•' eAUTNERMIlre DISSOLi*:', .1 a a a,i .e. a a i 1,, mligo,;;gyelvkerrie, Somersetsiilre, attorVieseeDeep,,IntrA / Creek:4141W, , çfllTa4ngtcp,,.geiton.spinners-Show and Rottinsops.,Stoneferry, ,Yorkships,.. catil-egs ' ants-Ritedes and; Hayes, Leeds, share.brokers—iltegreve.talaW(enneds, Bradford,Yorehire, raiiveyfounders-Phlips and.lidnt, Birmingham,: wood-button- makers-Platte and Whittertop, Manchester, brawerS-Rennie and Co. Newport, Non- Montlushire, gontrantors-,Kelaalls sine Co. London, merchants-M. and W. Spencer, C-006tri rthand-tailefactuters-Fleld and Powell, Cruse Street, Hatton Garden, book- binders--2BilbyMid' Harness, Swan Chambers, Gresham Street, agents-Mogg and Co. Bridgwater, mIllers'-Gales sen and jun. Steyning. brewers - Collins and co-Pirating- ham, brickmakers -Francis and Co. Newport, Monmouthshire, rallwey-eoetrectors.- Townsend and Shackleton, Mediu MIII, Littleborough, woollen-manufacturers-Peet. and . Son, 'Nottingham, lace-xnanufacturers--The Ravenhead Copper Company,- St., Helen's, copper-smelters; as far as regards F. Taylor.
CONLIsHAW,' JOHN, Derby, 'victualler, to surrender Nov. 7, Jan. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Whistpn and Son, Derby; Mr. Rowley, Nottingham; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston,
Nottingham. .
CULVER, Ions °mom Edmonton, gasfitter, Nov. 22, Dec. 27: solicitor, Mr. Bishop, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
Honsroz, Joins, Whitby, hotelkeeper, Nov. 23, Dec. 21: splieitors, Messrs. Pringle and Co.-King's Road, Bedford Row ; Mr. Stephenson, Whitby; official assignee, Mr. Young, 'Leeds.
Jorms, bons, Knightsbridge Terrace, wine-merchant, Nov. 30, Dec. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Dimmock and Barbey. Suffolk Ln. ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Ln. . SANDERSON, CHABLEs, Sheffield, iron-merchant, Nov. 24, Dec. 22: solicitor, Mr. Aldan', Sheffield ; official assignee. Mr. Freeman. .Sheffield.
SAumnsas, James, Liverpool, 'victualler, Nov. 2'2, li)ec. 97: solleitor, Mr. Tyrer,
Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. ..
Dee. 6, Moore, Paternoster Row, bookseller-Dec. 6, Nabs, Maiden Lane, hotel- keeper-Dec. 8, Ubsdell, Eabury, Hampshire, brickmaker-Dee. 6, Bramly, New City Chambers, insurance-broker-Dec. 8, Hall, Lamlie Conduit Street, ironmonger-Dec. 6, Atkins, Finebary Square, merobant.-Dee. 6, Macdonald and •Cempbell, Regent Street, army agents-Dec. .5, Turner, Bucklersbury, auctioneer-Dec. 5, Hamilton, Grange Walk, Bermondsey, confectioner-Dee. 5, flaw jun. Laiinceston, llnendmPer - Dec. 5, 'Offen', Holloway, brewer--Dec;5;Garrood, Thorehdrn Magna, Suffolk, grocer -Dec. 5, Leon, Rathbone Piece, tailor -Dec. 5, J. and J. F. King, Wells Row, Tiling- ton,bullders-Dee. 6, NVillionts, Hampstead, Road, btffider-Dec. 6, Blacknell, Plum- stead, baker-Dec. 5, Macqueen, Macao, merchant-Dee. 5, Sleight, Skinner Street, cutler-Dec. 6, Cottin, Bread Street, merchant-Dec. 6, Butler, Ludgate Hill, statiouer -Dec. 6, Tunstall and Cash, Bristol, oil-merchants-Dec. 12, Mayfield, Leamington Priors, upholsterer-Dec. 12, Norton, Birmingham. stationer-Dec. 6, Hewitt, Liver- pool, merchant-Dee. 6, Turner and Co. Liverpool, merchants.
.To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day V meeting. Dee.'7, Story, St. Alban's. banker-Dee. 5, Garrod, Hackney, draper-Dec. 7, J. and G. Lloyd, Briunington, Cheshire, builders-Dec. 5, (lakes and Jones, Kingswinford, ironmasters-Dec. 5, Webb, Taruworth, wine-merchant-Dec. 6,Webb; Wakefield,
, . .
- Friday, Noreniber
Yonge and Hancock, Tokenhouse Yard, attornles-Tait and Sheppard. Enfield, sur- geons-Roberts and Co. Chancery Lane, auctioneers; as far as regards E. Chadwick- Engel/ and Co. Cousin Lane, Upper Thames Street, dealers in glass.bottles-Wuodhouse and Willoughby, Ripon, silk-mercers-Pink and Lloyd, Ch-eenwich, surgeons-Hare and Co. East Stonehouse, brewers-Sexton and Morgan, Chesham, stationers-Crook and Anglin, Camberwell Place, Upper Grange Road, Old Kent Road, parchment-inanufac- tuters-Harrison and Co. Hadlow, Kent, brewers ; " as far as regards J. Sears-D. and J. H. Boobbyer, Stanhope Street, Chore Market, Irimmongers -Parnell and Co. Little Queen Street, Holborn, ironmongers; as far as regards J. H. Rallton-N. and J. Jowett,.. Ilradford, Yorkshire, worstedmanufecturers-Heard and Co. Upper WhitecrOSs Street, fancy-stationers-Batten and Son, Penzance -Gaskell and Son, Kendal, grocers -fly- lands and Clegg, Liverpool, trunk-manufacturers-Marston and Williams, Runcorn, Cheshire, grocers-Varley and Taylor, Opera Arcade, Pall Mall, music-sellers-Barrett and Roue, Bristol, hatters; as far as regards W. Roue-The Agricultural Cattle In- surance Company, Chatham Place, Blackfriars ; as far as regards J. °Blies.
DURMAST, WILLIAM, Brenchley, cattle-dealer, to surrender Nov. 27, Dec. 31; soli- - titer, Mr. Appleton, Philpot Lame ; offieL51 assignee, Mr: Graham, Coleman Street. GLOVER, Witmem ALFRED, Tetbnry, hatter, Dec. 3, 31: selleitors, 24r. Kearsey, Shroud; Mr. Abbott, Bristol ; Official assignee, Mr. Mitten, Bristol. GOOD, Menem), Bishopsgate Street Without, stationer, Nov. 27, June 4: solicitor, Mr. Richardson, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. 'Whitmore, Basteghall Street. -3.10earsoN, Joint, Craven Street, Strand. tailor, NOV. 28, Dec. 21: Solicitor, Br. Sheard, Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Stansfeld, Ilasinghall Street. blooLtor;, Joust, Manchester, joiner, Dec. 3, 31: solicitors, Messrs,. Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester. SAw'rELL, Tnomes, Newport, Monmouthshire, baker, Nov. 30; Dec. 86: solicitor, Mr. Wilkes, Gloucester ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. THOMAS, MARIA Fiteeces, Bristol, botelkeeper, Nov. 29, Dec..29: solicitors, Messrs. Castle and Henderson, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. WHF.ELER, Turmas, Liverpool, fruit-merchant, Nov. 28, Dec. 27: solicitor, Mr. Tyrez, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. WILLIAMS, Awrmia, Narbeth, Pembrokeshire, draper, Nov. 27, Dec. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Leman and Hurnphrys, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
Dec. 7, DU:chins, ChtcheeterPlace, Gray's Inn Road, leather-seller-Dec. 8, Messrs. Holditely, Benkside, cider-merchants-Dee. 8, Morgan, Warminster, maltster-Dec. 11, Butterfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, banker-Dee. 7, Partridge and Jordan, Luton, Bedfordshire, wine-merchants-Dec. 18, Cowan, Coventry, draper-Dec. 13, Jones, Brecon, maltster-Dee. 13, Newton, Bath, builder-Dec. 13, Brown, Carlisle, draper- Dec. 17, Davies, Liverpool, merchant-Dec. 12, Cochran, Lisa, Peru, and Robertson, London, merchants.
Ib be granted, 'unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Dec. 8, Beasley, Southtown, Suffolk, brIckisyer-Doc. 10, Walker, Seockport, cotton- waste-dealer-Dee. 0. Shoolbred, Blanchester, cotton-manufacturer-Dec.18, Richard- son, Darlaston, Staffordshire, tube.manufaeturer-Dec. 10, Watkins, Wacton;Ilereford- shire, tavernkeeper.
Skipworth, Belton, Lincolnshire, clerk ; first div, of is. lOctn Mir:MAIO 'air: Stansfeld, Hull-Veith, Hull, merchant; first div.of Is. lot. on-an.P.Fslaay;- Mr.-Stans. fold, Hull-Wake, Hull, merchant ; Rest div. of 314, ott any Rriday ; Mr. Stansfeld, Hall-Burton and Bulpin, drapers; first div. of 6s, 81. 5ge. 17, *id tWo quint Saturdays; Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Platte. - • . 'Odder, Greenock, coal-merchant, Nov. 20, Ded."111-4 46a701101- sCOTcH intemasTiaTiONS:,'• ampt,'Ne*. 12, Dec. 13. 06U, ,o,, to sd tern rw ..•
Aydon and Ferguson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer ; first div. of 2.r. 2i1. Nov. 17, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Burton and Sheen, Manchester, COttort-spinners; first and final div. of 20s. on the separate estate of M. Barton, Nov. 27, or any subsequent Tuesday; Sir. Fraser, Blanchester -Wyles, Glou- cester, grocer; further div. of Id. Nov. 14, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Br: .Acraman, Bristol-Sanger, Bristol, cabinet-maker; div, of 2s. Nov. It. or any Subse- quent Wednesday ; Mr. Acraman, Bristol-Vaughan, Brecon, scrivener; div. of 4d. Nov. 14, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
Tram, Costerton Mains, Blackshieis, farmer, Nov. 19. Dec. 17-W. Connell jun. and Co. Greenock, cordage-manufacturers, Nov. 20, Dec. 13-Graham, Edinburgh, grocer, NOV. 19, Dec. 10.