On the 3rd inst. the Baltimore struggle came to a
head, and a compromise was effected. The old police commissioners of Baltimore having been tried, condemned, and (formally) ejected from office by Governor Swann, in his capacity as an ally of Mr. Johnson, and new commissioners appointed, and neither set of commissioners- being inclined to give way, the old (Radical) commissioners, who denied the validity of their trial and con- demnation, seiz the new (Johnson) commissioners and put them in gaol, charging them with endeavouring to excite a riot. General Graut visited Baltimore on the 4th inst. (Sunday) and con- ferred with the contending parties. By his means a compromise was agreed upon. A Conservative judge and clerk of the elec- tion was appointed in each district, in addition to the judges already appointed, and as the whole struggle turned upon the coming election, this compromise settled the question.