Our contemporary the Nonconformist, which is usually intelli- gent, attempts
to answer what we said last week on the subject of the University College Professorship of Intellectual Philosophy in its last number, but what is written is evidently written by some one with more zeal than knowledge, who does not know University College, or the exact point at issue. It supposes that the chair in question is the chair of moral philosophy, moral philosophy being ex- pressly excluded from the subject of the Chair, in order to prevent any danger of religious bias on the part of the teacher. How Pro- fessor Martineau, or any other teacher, could introduce theology, as the Nonconformist supposes that he must, into leetures on intel- lectual philosophy and logic, we are quite unable to conjecture. The late professor, Dr. Hoppus, was, as we have said before, an orthodox Presbyterian minister, but we never heard of his intro- ducing theology into his lectures. The Nonconformist intends well, but misses the mark entirely. It speaks of Professor Martineau as having been supported only by Unitarians. Now, the fact is that the Senate, containing, as far as we know, not a single Unitarian, and acting simply on the proofs of learning and of teaching power submitted to them, recommended him unanimously. The Council, which contains eight or ten Unitarians and some negative thinkers of a much more extreme type, rejected him,—on the ground we alleged, of second-hand bigotry.