Even yet the spirit fostered by Orangeism in the home
of -Orangeism seems as bad and rampant as ever, and so fond -of violence for its own sake that it sometimes indulges in violence against men of its own party, simply, we suppose, 4 to keep its hand in.' In Belfast, where the elevation of -Sir Hugh Cairns to be Lord Justice of Appeal leaves a -vacancy to be immediately filled up, it appears that a second Conservative candidate, a Mr. William Macliechau, a bar- -lister, presented himself to contest the seat with the candi- date of the party, Mr. Langan. Mr. MacIlechan summoned a meeting of his supporters to hear his views in the Music Hall last 'Tuesday night. Instead, however, of finding his supporters there, lie found the hall crowded by a maw of rowdies calling themselves Langanites, bent on silencing him. A sweep jumped on his back and dragged his head against a gas-burner behind him. "Slap, Bang !" "Boyne Water," and others of Mr. Young's favourite tunes, were sung to drown the candidate's voice ; the table on the platform was thrown down and smashed ; Mr. MacMechan and his sup- porter, Mr. Trimble, were beaten, kicked, and robbed ; while the magistrates and the police refused to interfere, saying there was no danger to any one. Conduct so completely rowdyish has not been reported at any in-door meeting for many years back. The mayor and magistrates, as is usual in Belfast, behaved dis- gracefully.