Olynthiacs, of Demosthenes, edited by H. Sharpley,
well furnished with introduction, notes, illustrative passage s from other authors, and having that useful item a full index of Greek names.—Model and Black-board Drawing. By F. F. Lydon. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 3s. 6d.)—" Arnold's Continuous Story Readers," Grades I.-IV., containing Granny's Coach-and- Four, by Elinor Davenport Adams; Four Playmates, by Richard Wilson ; Forester's Farm, by Ismay Thorn ; and The ' Polly's' Apprentice, by Tom Bevan (E. Arnold, 10d., ls., ls. 2d., ls. 4d.) —Introduction to Modern Scientific Chemistry. By Dr. Lasser Cohn. Translated by M. M. Pattison Muir, M.A. (H. Grevel and Co. 6s.)—French Commercial Correspondence. By Alfred Starch. (Blackie and Son. is. 6d.)—Bey to Lessons in French. By Louis Fasquelle, LL.D.. Revised by James Boielle, B.A. (Cassell and Co. ls. 6d.)