About Peggy Savile. By Jessie Mansergh. (R.T.S. 2s. 6d.)— Miss
Mansergh has made a success of the central character of her story, the "Peggy Savile " about whom she tells us. She is a clever, somewhat strange young person, and it is good to read about her. But we are not sure whether the little drama would not have been better without so many persona. However, it is well written, the dialogue is easy and pointed, and the story keeps up its interest sufficiently well.
Of " Arthurian Romances not in Mallory" (D. Nutt) we have a third volume in Guingamor, Lauval, Tyolet, the Werewoif, ren- dered from the French of Marie de France and others by Jessie L. Weston (2s.) Marie de France was a Norman poetess of the twelfth century, and turned these Breton stories into verse. One of the stories, Launfal, has made use of J. R. Lowell. On the whole, these are not inferior to the average of the Mallory romances.