17 NOVEMBER 1950, Page 19
Coleridge expressed his joy on, departing from Cologne in a
poem of seven lines : As 1 am a Rhymer And now at least a merry one, Mr. Mum's Rudesheimer And the church itf St. Geryon Are the two things alone That deserve to be known in the body-and-soul-stinking town of Cologne.
A prize of f5, which may be divided, is offered for verses conveying the same even-handed justice upon any other town or city. Coleridge's metre and rhyme scheme must be followed.
Entries must be addressed to the Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, in envelopes marked " Competition," and must be received not later than November 24th. Results will be published in the Spectator of December 1st.