Shorter notices
The Armed Prophet Michael Bar-Zohar (Arthur Barker 45s). The David Ben-Gurion story, also starring Dr Weizmann, Ernest Bevin, Moshe Dayan and Simon Peres. Walk- on parts by Guy Mollet, Selwyn Lloyd and Patrick Dean in a laconic account of the Sevres conference in October 1956 which set up the Suez war.
The Decline of Rome Joseph Vogt (Weiden- feld and Nicolson 63s). Big subject treated in a most readable manner as the writer retells the story of the triumph of barbarism and religion. Strongly recommended.
The Fighting Pankhursts David Mitchell (Cape 36s). An account of the Votes for Women campaign which culminated in the election to Parliament of Lady Astor in 1919. Besides its story of the feminist campaign, the book con- tains much interesting background on British life before the First World War.
Fieldwork in Local History W. G. Hoskins (Faber 25s). Professor Hoskins has made us look at the British past in a completely new way as a result of his researches into local history. This new book is full of unique material, and is, moreover, beautifully written.
Nihilists Ronald Hingley (Weidenfeld and Nicolson 21s). Dramatic, exciting account of the Russian revolutionaries responsible for the assassination of Alexander II in March 1881. Particular attention paid to the nihilist bible, Chernyshevsky's novel What is to be Done?