The Times
An apology Our attention has been drawn to the article by Mr Donald McLachlan headed 'The Press—City Page War' published in last week's issue.
The article stated that 'there is no doubt that the new owners of 11w Times are keenly dis- appointed in the commercial failure of its business section.' In fact, the business section is not re- garded as a 'commercial failure' by the new man- agement of The Times which is in no way dis- appointed with its progress and record to date. It was also stated in the article that a bargain price of £3 per column inch was eagerly accepted in respect of an advertisement in connection with the recent Throgmorton Secured Growth Trust issue and that a slightly higher rate was accepted for an advertisement relating to the Ladbroke issue. We regret that these statements were also inaccurate. In fact, the normal full rate was paid in respect of the Throgmorton advertisement and, exceptionally, a moderately concessionary rate was accepted in the case of the Ladbroke advertisement, but the rate charged was substantially in excess of the rate of £3 per column inch mentioned by Mr McLachlan.
Both the SPECTATOR and Mr McLachlan very much regret these inaccuracies. They unreservedly withdraw these mis-statements and any criticisms founded on them and offer their unqualified ape* gies to The Times.