The Lucan affair
Sir: Perhaps I could be permitted through your columns to echo Mrs Maxwell-Scott's feeling of unease regarding the inquest on the murder of the Lucarts' nursemaid, Sandra Rivett (Letters, 10 November). The jury who branded Lord Lucan 0.5 a murderer listened to Lady Lucan evidence against her husband which would not have been able to do in a criminai trial. Furthermore, on 1 January 1978 the law was changed after recommendations going back some 30 or 40 years, taking away the coroner's power to determine criminal responsibility for murder and manslaughter.
It is grossly unfair that Lord Lucan has been branded as a murderer in his absence without having the opportunity of appearing before judge and jury and defending himself, whatever the circumstances of his disappearance.
R. Edey Flat 3, 24 Priory Terrace London NW6