17 NOVEMBER 1984, Page 24


Sir: A reader of the Spectator for many years, I was appalled at the intemperate and shoddy attack on homosexuals by Colin Welch (Centrepiece, 10 November). I am not aware of the 'ells' they are demanding (such demands as there are usually emanate from politicians for their own ends) but I am daily affronted by the inches and inches in the popular press devoted to sordid and debasing accounts of heterosexual behaviour and the destruc- tion of the privacy and the dignity of the individual, not to mention the nightly glamorisation of violence on the television screen. I would suggest that these assaults on the values of our society might be of more concern to Mr Welch than whether his lunchtime sandwich has been buttered by a homosexual.

If gonorrhea and syphilis were fatal and incurable would Mr Welch consider rela- tions between men and women unnatural? And if rabies should reach this country, would the dog-owners of England be worthy of public respect?

Elisabeth Wilson (Mrs)

24 Thornhill Square, London Ni