the Catholics are damned in consequence of their faith, or,
if saved, saved only in consequence of not genuinely holding it, then you have a right to tax them, in order to establish amongst them a faith by which they may be saved ; if not, nut. His logic is peculiar. Grant to the Rev. Canon that they who say prayers to the Virgin must be damned ; that, no doubt, imposes a strong obligation to persuade them that this course of action is damnable—at the coat and self-sacrifice of the missionary;—but to say that it justifies pay- ing yourself out of their pockets for saving them from damnation is a dangerous principle. We think we could on the same ground claim money from Canon M'Neile to assist us in converting him from condemnable views of the love of God. Not that we expect the Canon to be actually lost for those views,—but we do think, if his mind were all of a piece with them, it would be lost already.