We have also received the Ballads of Upland, Goethe, and
Schiller (Whittaker and Co.), carefully edited, with an introduction to each ballad, copious notes, and biographical notices, by Charles Bielefeld, assistant-master at the Forest School, Walthamstow ; also a comedy in three acts, Der Vetter, by Roderich Benedix (Triibner and Co.), similarly prepared for German students, by Messrs. Weinmann and Zimmermann ; a Grade Lesson-Book, especially adapted to meet the requirements of the Revised Code, by Messrs. Stevens and Hole (Long- man and Co.), which is intended for pupils just commencing the study of the three R's ; The Queen's Euclid, Book I. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.), edited by Henry Green, MA., with notes, showing the practical uses of the propositions ; also a cheap edition, in one volume, of Dr. Macleod's novel, The Old Lieutenant and his Son (Alexander Strahan and Co.); Part %XXIX. of Routledge's illustrated Natural history, which deals with fishes ; Part XCV. of The Sunday at Home, a magazine issued by the Religious Tract society ; Part II. of a new edition of Professor Wilson's Works (Blackwood and Sons), in which we have a further instalment of the "Noctes Ambrosiante ;" Number XVII. of the Rose, Shamrock, and Thistle Magazine (Edinburgh, Caledonian Press), in which no less than five stories are progressing to their denouement ; and, lastly, a map of the United States (Bacon and Son), very clearly coloured, so as to distinguish the free, border, and Confederate States. It gives, also, the population of the different States and chief towns, a short abstract of the political constitution of the republic and of the history of the war, a list of the vessels comprised in the Federal navy, and of the Federal forts, together with much other valuable statistical informa- tion.