A Paris correspondent of last Saturday's Times asserted, on the
authority of a letter in the Magdeburg Gazette, that it is in con- templation to choose Queen Victoria as arbitrator between Den- mark and Germany, giving her power to fix what the Treaty of Prague meant by "the North-Slesvig districts,"—the districts where a popular vote was to be taken as to whether they would be annexed to Germany or to Denmark. If the proposal is ever really made, we trust the Queen will decline the arbitration, unless it is fully understood that her judgment is not to be restricted by any German taboo on Alsen, or Diippel, or any other district of North Slesvig. An arbitration so limited would not be a real arbitration, and it would not befit the dignity of an English Monarch to accept it. With full power, the Queen, con-, aidering her close relations both to Denmark and to Germait; would certainly be an impartial arbiter.