The utter powerlessness of the united Ambassadors at Con- stantinople
is well displayed in the "Collective Note " which, on October 13th, they forwarded to the Porte :—" Pending the
adoption of a decision with a view to the maintenance of peace, the Great Powers approve the conduct of the Ottoman Govern- ment, and recommend it to continue in this course. They dis- approve the events in Eastern Roamelia, and hold the Bulgarians responsible for all acts which may create danger of the spread of the agitation, and invite them to cease every kind of military preparation." That Note, translated into English, means :- 'You, You, the Sultan, are doing nothing, admirably. Continue doing so. Prince Alexander is a bad boy, and we shall by-and- bye ask him to leave off doubling his fists. As to what is to be done next, we have as little idea as you have.' The oddity is that the Ambassadors should have sent any Note at all; but perhaps professional feeling disinclined them to admit that they had, in view of such pressing circumstances, nothing to say.