La Jeune Siberienne et is Lepreux de in Cite d'Aoete,
by Xavier de Maistre, edited by Stephane Barlet, B.So. (Macmillan), is one of the "Primary Series of French and German Readings," and is fur- nished with notes and vocabularies.—We have also received The Students' Manual of Exercises for 'Translating into German, by A Loveman, M.A. (G. P. Putnam's Sons), intended to accompany Brandt's German Grammar.—And in" llachetter's Illustrated French Primary Readers" (Librairie Hachette et (lie.), Entre Oiseaux, by Mdme. J. Colornb, edited by H. A. de &Jannis; La Famine de Niguet, by the same anther, edited by A. P. Thiguenet ; Aventure de L'A710)1 Baudinet, by Jules 'Masson, edited by Stephane 'Barlet ; and 'Lee Dour Brigands, by P. Sourian, edited by L. Gaborit.—From Messrs. Ginn and Co. (Boston, U.S.) we have a Primer, "embracing the sentences and phonic methods for teaching 'sight-reading." The volume, which is prettily illustrated, belongs to-these-publishers' series of "Classics for Children."