SIR,—Roundabout's recent description of the cony parative discomfort between first
and tourist class on the London-Edinburgh Viscount service of BEA having brought no form of reply from the PRO we can only assume that his facts as stated are correct, as PROs of nationalised industry never miss an opportunity of springing to defend their corporation. I, It will be interesting to see if any of the numerous PROs maintained by British Railways spring to defend Sir Brian Robertson following Strix's all too' true article in your issue of October 10. I shoal' imagine that they will have a very difficult task' Business takes me regularly by train from Padding' ton to South Wales and it is a red-letter day if the train ever arrives within ten minutes of its advertised schedule. The best thing to do with a British Rali; ways' long-distance trains time-table is to put it ° the fiction side of one's library.—Yours faithfully.
Woodcote Green Road, Epsom, Surrey
o. S. M. Ow