17 SEPTEMBER 1842, Page 11


The following announcement of this expected event is from a late edition of the Morning Chronicle— The Queen is again on English ground. Exactly at ten o'clock this morn- ing, the fine steamer Trident came to her moorings off Woolwich, having on board her Majesty and Prince Albert.

"Shortly after nine, the Black Eagle and Rhadamanthus Government steamers made their appearance; and no long period elapsed before the dis- tant sound of firing gave evidence that the Trident was not far in their wake. Her Majesty's embarkation for Scotland disappointed many : her return, albeit no such fuss being made about it, was a far more beautiful sight. A fine easterly breeze was blowing; and from the state of the tide, half-flood, a considerable number of fine large steamers accompanied the Trident on her progress up the river.

"At ten o'clock, she was, as we have said, opposite the 'dockyard, and sur- rounded with a numerous fleet of boats. An Admiralty barge, steered by Admiral Sir Francis Collier, was shortly floating at the gangway ; the accommodation-ladder, covered with green cloth, was rigged out ; and at half-past ten her Majesty, amid the cheers of the assembled multitude and the thunder of cannon, stepped with Prince Albert into the barge, the rowers gave way, and the next moment the Royal pair were safely landed. The royal carriage drove rapidly along, amid the loud acclamations of the crowd. Her Majesty looked somewhat pale, but was animated and cheerful; she wore a tartan satin dress. The Prince, who was in plain clothes, appeared rather sunburnt."