Tuesday, Sept. 13.
W. and J. Lyon. Stangate, boat builders-Baxter and Wrench, Croydon. bone-mer- chants-Harris and Hobbs juuior. Church Lane. Whitechapel. dealers in building ma- Ierials-Bledes and Bostock. Leek. Staffordshire. dealers in tobacco-Taylor and Co. Rochdale. cetion-spiuners-Draper and Chamberlain, Grantham. mercers-Noad and Woollotnu. Water Lane. City. general agents-Surtees and Co. Neweastle.upon Tyne, vriue-merchants ; as far as rewards F. J. C. Sumees-Siromous anti Townson, Gray's attornies-J. and C. Brand. Saffron Walden, boot makers-Jackson and Co. Leeds, carriers; as far as regards S. Jackson-Waring and Dimes. Grsat Russell Street, artists' colourmen -Vaughan and Co. Brecon. attornies; as far as legards T. W. Law- ford-Moon ann Co. Maranliam, Brazil; as far as regards W. Heuderson-T. and E. Benbow. Imnidloes. linendrapers-Johnson and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; an far as regards C. Boothby. INSOLVENTS.
PAYN. HORTON. Liverpool, merchant. Sept. 12.
limo. Joan, St. Albau's, chemist. Sep,. 12.
BROoxl. Jon. Liverpool. hotel-keeper. to surrender Sept. 28, Oct. 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester.
BOLL. R,CHARD, Birmingham, commou-brewer, Sept. 21, Oct. 25 : solicitors, Mr. Ensor, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Smith. Birmingham.
DUNCAN. MORGAN, Newport. Monmouthshire, linendraper. Sept. 15. Oct. 25 : Mesws. Clarke and Metcalf, Lincoln Inn Fields; sad Mr. Hall. Bristol.
Goocn. THoSTAs, Dalston Terrace West, timber-merchant. Sept. 26. Oct. 25 : soli- citors, Messrs. Hine and Robinson, Charterbouse Square; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
Hair, DAVID, Manchester, broker, Oct. 4, 25: solicitors, Mr. Fox, Finsbury Circus ; and Mr. Earle. Manchester.
Htercinsrsorr, Titoism Dover Road, Surrey. linendraper. Sept. 21, Oct. 25: solicitor. Sturmy, Wellington Street. Southwark ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. HUSKISSON, WILLIAM, Birmingham, liuendraper, Sept. 20, Oct. 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwicke and Davidson, Cateaton Street.
Simmons, JACOB, Longwich. Buckinghamshire, com-dealer, Sept. 21, Oct. 25: soli- citors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Mr. Harman, High Wycombe; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basingbar Street.
JELLICOE, GEORGE. Bilston ma 'as Sept. 23, Oct. 25: solicitors. Messrs. Wright and Smith, Golden Square; VI.4,• aranby and Hawsford, Wolverhampton.
Oct. 8. S. and T. m. Sims • "Iii. corn-dealers-Oct. 7 and 8. Potter and
Lever, Mauchester. merchau net C. wilshaw, Edenfield. Lancashire, cotton-spinner -Oct. 6. Rogers, Dale Hall, eartheuware manufacturer -Nov. 8, Endi- cott. Bath. innkeeper- Oct. 5. Outterside, Liverpool. tailor-Oct. 5. Hawden. Liver- pool, banker-Nov. 3, Weight, Manchester, merchant-Nov. 1. Mason, Manchester, lace-manufacturer-Oct. 19. S. and J. Phillips, Liverpool. merchants-Oct. 12, Strut- ton. Longcot. Berkshire. corn dealer-Oct. 11. Gibson. Liverpool. merchant-Oct. 8, Griffith, Bolton-le-Moors. banker-Oct. 13, Ritchie and Moffat, Liverpool. merchants -Oct. 10, Rigden, Wingham. Rest, maltster -Oct. 6, Templeton. Congleton. sPk-ma- nufacturer-Oct. 6. Marrow, Thatto Heath. and Frodsham, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, brewers-Oct. 6, Byers. Blackburn, cloth-manufacturer-Oct. 8, Auderton, Bradford, Yorkshire. dyer-Oct. 4, Townshend, Birmingham, railroad-contractor-Oct. 7, Luce, Bristol. woollendraper Oct. 15. Hilton and Co. Bolton-le Sands, Imneashire, cotton- spinners-Oct. 7. Harrison and Newell. Manclwater, grocers -Oct. 11, Pritchard, Kingswinford, Staffordshire, sictualler-Oct. 7. Thompson, Liverpool. merchant-Oct. 8, Abbott and M•Cheane, wine merchants-Oct. 20. Breed and Eceleston. Liverpool, merchants- Oct. 14, Norris, Manchester. cotton-spinner-Oct. 12. Howarth, Wardle- worth. Laucashire, druggist-Oct. 6, Tatlock, Liverpool, saddler-Oct. 8, Anderson, Liverpool, oil-merchant. CERTIFICATES
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct. 4.
Slade senior, Poole. rope-maker-Stevens, Mile End, road-contractor-Harper, Cowper's Court. merchaut-Kearsley. Tvldesley, cottou-spinner-Paul, Kingston. upon Hull. engine manufacturer-Allen. Perth Cawl. Glamorganshire, timber.mer- chant-Long, Chelsea, coal merchant-Howorth, Swaffham. wine-merchant -Watford, Birmingham, maltster-Vandeemeht, Quadrant. silk-mercer-Gardiner, Bristol, corn. mon.hrewer-Wrensliall, Liverpool, music-dealer.
Murree, ALEXANDER, Inverness. shipwright. Sept. 19, Oct. 10. SCOTT. GEoRGE, Glasgow. cabinet-maker, Sept. 17. Oct. 10.
SHORTREDE, ANDREW, Edinburgh, printer. Sept. 19, Oct. 10.
Friday, Sept. 16.
Graham and Roberts. Mill Lane, Tooley Street, potato-salesmen -Unborn° and Co. New Broad Street Court -Tubb and Puzey. Basiugstoke, liueudrapers-Beaver end Foster, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers -Parsons and Stones, Manchester, paper- hangers-Harvey and Salmon, Lisle Street. tailors-Winstanley and Co. attornies- Rawlings and Lake, Cheltenham, printers-Maury and Co. Liverpool-Rowley and Blew, Manchester, engineers-Bourdillon and Co. Great Winchester Street, solicitors; as far as regards S. Bourdillon -Fairlaud and Co. St. John's Square, priuters-Hutchin- sou and Holdsworth, Wakefield, drapers -Outrun and Goedlad. Droufield, spindle- manufacturers - J. and J. Sykes, Littletown. Yorkshire, millers-J. W. and W. T. Holmes, Redcross Square, opticians-Smith and Goodson, Nottingham, millers-E. and_W. A. Florence, Chichester, brewers.
Bout:arra. Joan BALL, Birmingham, shawl-dealer, to surrender Sept. 21, Oct. 28 : Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
Corm. Geoarts. Hampton. innkeeper. Sept. 26, Oct. 28: solicitor, Mr. Pyke, Lin- coln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.
CRAM. ROBERT. Manchester. innkeeper. Sept. 80, Oct. 25: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Lees, Manchester.
Flearucom GEORGE, and LEVESLEy, WILLTAm, Sheffield, spring knife-manufactnrers, Sept. 24, Oct. 28: solicitors. Mr. Duncan, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Unwio, Sheffield.
Means. WILLIAM, Liverpool, shawl-dealer, Sept. 28, Oct. 28: solicitors, Messrs. Kay and Co. Manchester.
OLDHAM, GEOROK, Manchester, wine-merchant. Oct. 8, 28; solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Chew, Manchester.
THOMAS. STEPHEN. York, victualler, Sept. 27, Oct. 28; solicitors, Messrs. Smithson, York ; and Messrs. Wiglesworth and Co. Gray's Inn.
Violin,. James, Wolverhampton, brass-founder, Oct. 12, 28 solicitors, Messrs. Cox and Stone. Poultry ; and Mr. James, Walsall.
WomERSLEY. Mermen, Stoney Stratford. hat-maker, Sept. 24, Oct. 28: solicitors, Mr. Weller, King's Road, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Pell junior, Northampton. DIVIDENDS.
Oct. 13.1Iolt, Grantham, wine.merchant-Oct.25. Houma% Dover. carpenter -Oct. 25, Pitcher, Crabble, Kent, miller-Oct. 7, Smith, Huddersfield. wine.metchant -Oct. 7. Hart. Gateshead. glass-manufacturer-Oct. II • Last, Birmingham, general-merchant -Oct. 28. Wand, York, miller-Oct. 29. Minty, Warminster, corn-dealer-Oct. 10, Forster, Gateshead, iron-founder-Oct. 7, Statham, Huddersfield, hosier -Oct. 7, Cross and Spruill. C. 1chester, merchants-Oct. 10, Ransom, Caruarvon. coal-merchant--Oct. 10, Lae tiler. Newcastle-upou-Tyne, ship broker- Oct. 17, Barnes, Shincliffe. Durham, fire-brick-manufacturer-Oct. 12, Lacey, Liverpool. bookseller-Oct. 21. Smith, Monk. wearmouth shore, ship-owner-Oct. 11, Hide. Broadwater. Sussex. builder-Oct. 13, Lockley, Bilsion, Staffordshire, plumber- Oct. 11, F., j. B., and F. Stodart junior, Carlisle, merchants-Oct. 20. Ireland and Co. Lancaster. merchants-Oct. 13, Slade and Co. Poole, rope-manufacturers-Oct. 14. Smith, Bath. brewer-Oct. 11. Penny. Shepton Mallet. grocer- Oct. 10, Baker. Liverpool. marble-mason-Oct. 29.3. and G. H. Fisher. Manchester, warehouseman - Oct. 11, Newell junior and Harrison, Man- chester, grocers-Oct. 14, Crompton, Manchester, grocer- Oct.14, Meredith. Bristol, coal-merchant-Oct. 15, Adams. Manchester, butter merchant -Nov. 5, W. and S. Hague and Shiite ell, Manchester, conamissiou-agents-Oct. 13, Horton, Westbromwich, ironfounder-Oct. 15, Bodmau, Bristol. tallow-chandler.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Oct. 7.
Bourne, Clapham, carpenter-Haddan, Hammersmith. cheesemonger-Bensusan, Walbrook Buildings, merchant-Banks, Birmiugharn, button maker-Taylor, Lesser
Holborn, oilman-Squibb. East Cowes. rope-maker-Janes. Hockliffe. Bedfordshire farmer-Hepkins. Arundel, banker-Richardson. Manchester, victualler -Turnhara. Leicester, innkeeper-Cocking. Beemon. Bedfordshire, market-gardener-Tatham' Burnin-in-Lonsdale. Yorkshire. lime burner-Barnard, Portsea, coal-merchant-El Leicester, builder -Rigden. Wincham, Kent, maltster.
BALIJNOHALL, MARY. Edinburgh. Sept. 21, Oct. 19. CRAUFORD. JOHN and WILLIAM, Glasgow, wrights. Sept. 22, Oct. II. GRIEVE, JOHN. Borrowstonuess. distiller. Sept. 20. Oct. 11. PETER, ALExaxmot. Gellybanks, Perthshire, miller, Sept. 21, Oct. 12. YELLOWLEES. Joule. Edinburgh, coach builder, Sept. 21. Oct. 14. WATSON, Ramer Hostig. Dunfermline. glazier. Sept. 22, Oct. 13.