BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs.
Friday 3 per Cent. Consols 921 91} 921 924 924 92} Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Ceuts Reduced 93 shut shut 9.3 93 92} 93 83 New 34 per Cents Long Annuities Book Saiek, 7 per cent. 101} shut shut 101}
1011 101} 101 India Stock. 104
250* Exchequer Bills, 2d, per diem 51 pm. 49 49 51 51 51 India Bonds, 34 per cenL 37 pm. •
37 37
(Last Official Quotat ton during the Week ending Friday Evening:) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Cl. - Mexican 5 p. Ctj
Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5 - _ Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Michigan 6 -
Belgian 5 - 103 Mississippi (Sterling) ...6 -
Brazilian 5 - 68 Neapolitan 5 -
Buenos Ayres 6 - - New York (1855) 5 -
Cuba 6 -
Ohio 6 -
Chiller. 6 -
Pe nsylvania 5 - 35 Columbian of 1824 6 - 204 Peruvian 6 -
Danish 3 -
Portuguese 3 -
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 524 Ditto • 5
Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1024 Ditto (New) 5 -
French 3 - -
Russian 5
113 Ditto 5 -
Spanish 5 -
165 Indiana (Sterling) 5 -
Ditto (Passive) 4 Illinois 6 -
Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky 6 - - South Carolina 5 p. Ct
Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - 50 Tennessee 6
Maryland 6 -
United States Bank
Massachussetts (Sterling)5 -
Virginia 5
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Australasian - British North American Colonial - London and Westminster - Loud in Joint Stock 29 - National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland - Union of Australia
84 Union of London _7821 -and West India
London 334 St. Katherine. MISCELLANEOUS - Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Diemen's Land AVERAGE PRICES OP CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 56s. ed.! Rye. ....... 32.. 9d Wheat 18s. Od. I Rye Barley 27 8 Ream; .... 53 9 Barley 90 Beans Oats. ...... ID 4 Peas 58 4 Oats 7 0 Peas 9 0 PROVISIONS.
BUTTER-Best Fresh, lir. od.per doz. Carlow, Si. 4.. to 41.9s. per cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 35,16 32s. CHEESE. Cheshire 58s. to Ms. Derby Plain 83510 Ma HAMS, York 74..1. ots EGOS, French... per 1205.. Od. to 75. Id.
HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. POSTMAN. WHITECHAPEL. Hay, Good 934 98s 704.., 95,..... 80.... SU...-. 1184. 901.
Inferior 75 .. 80 0 .. 0 50 .. 00 .... 0 0 New 75 .• A4
Clover 98 ... 120 73 . 110 80 .. 110 .. .. 90 .. 115 Straw, Wheat 39 . 44 80 . 40 88 .. 45 ms „. 40 HOPS.
Kent Pockets 900. to 100s. York Reds Choice Ditto 120 Hio Were Sussex Pockets 85 90 Middling Superfine Ditto 95 100 Chats BUTCHERS' MEAT. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD" .,
45. ed to 8.. 4d. to 3.. led, 3,. 4d. to 2,, 8d I. 41. ".
210 .. 3 • ,. 4 0 8 0 .. 4 4 .. 4 0
3 0 . 3 8 .. 4 8 3 8 .. 4 2 .. 5 0
3 0 ... 4 0 .. 4 8 . 5 5 .. 4 4
4 a .. 4 in .. 5 0
Monday Friday 3,349 28,020 HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. • To sink the offal-per Albs.
Besets. Sheep. Caves. Pogs•
739 ........ 9,2 ,4 298 419 Linseed Oil 1 14 0
Rapa Oil ......... .....per cwt 21. 45. OJ
Lin.ord Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 COALS, Helton 100.6d. neened 0 0 ro CANDLES, per doses, to 83 Od. OILS, COALS, CANDLES.
Tom 19..0d. Moulds (ad per 7s. 64. SUGAR, Mu.corado . per rwt. 31d. COFFEE, fine On bd) per cat. 124s. 5460. TEA, Bohea, fine, p.lh. Is. Good Ordinary 5es. to 76.
West India molasses 25s. to 32s. Coogan, fisse 2 0 -.2 6
Sone-hong, One 2 0 - 3 1
• In Bond-Doty 2.. Id. per lb. GROCERIES. BULLION.
Gold, Foreign in Bars .....per as 31. 17s. Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars 0 0 0 51exican Dollar' 0 4 91 Silver in Bars. Stardard 0 0 0 METALS.
Copper, British Cakes-per ton 541.4).. to 86 0 0 Iron, British Bars e 0 0- 0 50 Lead, British Pig II 15 0-- 18 0 0 Steel, English 0 a 0- 0 00 GRAIN, Mark Lane, September 16th, Wheat, RedNew 46 to 50 Fine 54 .. 59 White 52 .. 54 Fine 54.. 60
are 35 to 37 Barley... 24 ..55 Malting 07 .. on Malt, Ordinary 48 .. 50 Fine 52 .. 59 Peas, Hog SO .. 81 Maple 34 toss White BO .. 34 Boilers 84 . as Beans, lIcks 58 .30 Old • 88 - 40 Harrow 54.. 36 Oats„ Feed 18020 Fine 21 .. 22 Poland Fine 25 . 45 Potato 45 Fine 26 ..211
Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cata Branca Condones Cobre Copper
Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester.
London and Brighton London and Blackwell Loudon and Greenwich London and Birmingham London and Croydon Manchester and Leeds Midland Couuties North Midland South-mstern and Dover South-western 7 1815 104 605 22} 571 III 81} 1091 21 14} 35} 411
31 20 23} 13 53 35 FLOUR.
Town-made................per sack 45s. to 50.. Seconds 40 43 Essex and Suffolt, on board ship 85 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 3.) - 40 BRAN per quarter Os. to os. POLLARD, fine Os. to Os. BREAD, std. to 8d. the 41b. Loaf. POTATOES. per r. n 905. to 100. O -
• - 0
o - Beef Mu. ton Veal Pork Lamb