[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SI/1,—Will you allow me to call attention to the advertisement in your columns announcing that Lady Amberley has most kindly offered to women desirous of studying medicine a scholarship of £50 a year, tenable for three years, to be awarded next month at Edinburgh by competitive examination ?
The difficulties thrown in the way of most women by the exceptionally great expenses to which they, as medical students, are now liable, render this liberal offer peculiarly seasonable at the present time, and it may probably afford a welcome opportunity to some who would never hear of it save through your columns.
All particulars can be learnt from Lady Amberley, at Ravens- croft, Chepstow ; or from myself.—I am, Sir, &c.,
15 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, September 15, 1870.