Germany seems to be even now not strong enough to
let her :people talk harmless politics freely. The Central Brunswick -Committee of the German section of " The International Work - -men's Association" issued on the 5th inst. a manifesto to the German working-class, calling upon them to prevent the annexa- tion of Alsace and Lorraine, and to bring about an honourable _peace with the French Republic. This manifesto has been seized, and all the members of the Committee, even the printer, were arrested and chained like common felons, and sent to Liitzen, in East Prussia. The General who is said to have ordered this arrest is named as Vogel Von Frankenstein (we presume by mistake for Vogel Von Falkenstein), but he does, indeed, represent the Frankenstein of German politics. What can the Government of any State in Germany have to fear from the advocacy of political measures so honourable and reasonable as these ? Indeed, had they been really revolutionary instead of singularly wise, what a blunder in the German authorities to treat revolutionists just now with any greater respect than the English Government pays to the -orations of Mr. Bradlaugh !