The Orleans Princes—i. e., the Duo d'Aumale, the Prince de
Joinville, and the Duc de Chartres—went to Paris incognito im- mediately after the revolution, and offered their services to the Provisional Government. The reply was that the amnesty of course extended to them, but that the Provisional Government was already in considerable difficulty from the mutual distrust of the Republican and Orleanist party. Were it known that the Princes were in Paris, the National Guard, who, as belonging to the Zourgeois, are nearly all Orleanists, would certainly make a demon- stration in their favour, and so bring on a violent counter-move- ment from the Republicans. This would much have added to the -embarrassment of the temporary Government, and the Orleanist Princes were, therefore, entreated to return to England for the present,—a request in which they very patriotically acquiesced.