A very large public meeting of Land Leaguers, absurdly called
a" Convention," commenced its proceedings in Dublin on Thursday. Some 1,500 " delegates " were present, includ- ing twenty Members of Parliament, and a great number of priests, and the order and organisation on the first day were remarkable. The avowed object of the meeting-is to set Irish- men against the Land Act, as a sham and a delusion, and to induce them to support the Land League until landlordism is abolished, and the peasantry are allowed to purchase the soil at a nominal price, and until Ireland possesses a government of her own. These views are embodied in all the resolutions and all the speeches, and are enforced by the American-Irish Societies,—which are the real promoters of the agitation, and which desire an independent Irish Republic,—with the threat, to send no more money to the League, if they are not accepted.. There appears from the first day's proceedings to be little doubt that they will be adopted, and that the Leaguers will commences. new agitation at once for the possession of the land. That is evidence that the League has ulterior designs, but not evidence that the Irish people agree with the League. That point, the only one of importance, remains in part obscure, only Ulster having as yet given its decision. It is against the League.