NEWS OF THE WEEK • T HE week has been made
less tedious by a crisis in Egypt, which at one moment became very serious. On Saturday four regiments of the Egyptian Army, headed by an Arab officer, Colonel Achmet el 0 urabi, surrounded the Palace, and demanded the dismissal of Riaz Pasha and his Ministry, the summoning of the Notables, and the increase of the Army to 18,000 men. The Khedive was advised by Mr. Colvin, the Controller, to resist; but he temporised, and finally conceded most of the terms demanded. Bias Pasha was dismissed, and Cherif Pasha, a Minister believed to be very Egyptian, substituted ; but the Army is not to be increased, the regiments leave Cairo, and the officers have signed a paper declaring their submission. This compromise has quieted matters for a time, but it is distrusted. Cherif Pasha declares that he is not opposed to European supervision, but he certainly Was once ; he is an old friend of Ismail, and he holds power on condition of satisfying the Army. The secret object of the movement was, it is not denied, to get rid of the Control, and it is quite passible that the Khedive sympathised so far with his officers, who, however, told him that they had his successor ready. They kindly assured the Europeans that they would not massacre them.