17 SEPTEMBER 1887, Page 1


MILE weary Session ended at last on Friday, at 2 o'clock. 1- The Queen's Speech was read by Commission, and con- tains nothing of interest except a warm expression of thanks for the loyalty displayed during the Jubilee. Her Majesty, in a form of words which it must have required faith to sign, trusts to be spared to reign over "a loving, faithful, and united people." For the rest, the Queen mentions the settlement of boundary questions in Afghanistan, and the Treaty with China; regrets the non ratification of the Anglo-Turkish Convention,

which leaves my obligations to Egypt unchanged ; " announces a Joint Commission to settle fishery disputes with America ; and refers "with singular satisfaction" to the first Conference of representatives from the Colonies. Then her Majesty Intimates that commercial depression is probably ending, though agricultural depression is not, hopes that the Irish measures will restore order, and recounts the Allotment Act and the other three little Acts which illustrate the Session. It is a dis- appointing list, but, as her Majesty is advised to say, "in order to pass Irish Bills, it has been necessary to postpone the con- sideration of many important measures affecting other parts of the United Kingdom."