SIR,—The writer of the article in the Spectator of September 10th, having the above title, has made an astonishing mis- quotation in the heading prefixed to the said article. "If the bull was mad, how did he know it was Sunday ? " It should be : "If the bull was mad, how did he know that the little boy had asked questions ? " being Paul Dombey's reply to a warning anecdote related by Mrs. Pipchin, concerning a child who was "gored to death by a mad bull for asking questions." There is nothing whatever in the passage about any alleged Sabbath-breaking on the part of the child, as the writer of the article would have discovered for himself had be taken the trouble to refer to " Dombey and Son." I quote from memory, and may not have given the exact words of the original, but I am quite sure I have given the general sense correctly.—I am, Sir, &c., Farnborough, Hants, September 10th. C. S. JERRAM.