17 SEPTEMBER 1910, Page 1

The election results in the United States do not throw

much light on a complicated political situation. The Republicans have been defeated in Maine, where a Democratic Governor has been elected, and two Democrats have been elected out of font for Congress. The Maine election, as was anticipated, has been followed by a success for the " Progressive " Republicans at the "primary " elections in New York, and to a less extent in New Jersey. There is a strong movement in favour of the election of Mr. Roosevelt as temporary chairman of the Republican Convention, as the only means of saving the State for the Republicans; but the ex-President has emphatically declared that in no circumstances will he accept either the Governorship or the chairmanship of the Republican State Committee. Mr. Roosevelt, who on Thursday week at Chicago accused the Illinois Legislature of "foul corruption and infamous treason" for having elected Mr. Lorimer to the Senate, has been vigorously attacked by his journalistic critics for out-Bryaning Mr. Bryan during his Western trip ; but we see no reason for cr editing the charges of disloyalty to Mr. Taft which have been so freely levelled -against him. Mr. Taft, we may add, has announced that henceforth he will recognise no factional distinctions in the Republican Party, but will treat Regulars and Insurgents alike.