The only certain thing seems to be that the Government
do not mean to give way on the indispensable condition of member- ship of the Empire. On Tuesday two Sinn Fein representatives visited Mr. Lloyd George at Gairloch. The object of their mission has not been made public. They returned with all haste to Dublin. Possibly they telegraphed to Mr. De Valera before leaving Scotland, but in any case, before they had arrived home, the Dail Eireann had " unanimously approved " of a reply to the Prime Minister. This reply is apparently on its way to the Prime Minister when we write. It is announced from Dublin that, " in view of a possible conference," the following Sinn Feiners have been approved as plenipo- tentiaries: Mr. Arthur Griffith, Mr. Michael Collins, Mr. R. C. Barton, Mr. E. Duggan, and Mr. George Gavan Duffy.