This is a copy of a letter we received this morning from our milkman. He always has to bring his cows into the compound, and has to be watched every minute while he milks for us, or there would be water in every day, and the watcher must not take her eyes off him for one minute:— To the Secretary Y.W.C.A., Vepery.
RESPECTED MADAM,—Most humbly I beg to state that I am supplying milk at the rate of 24 measures per rupee without adding neither water nor froth, which incurs a great lesson me, as the prices of the cows' foodstuffs and commodities have risen into three or four folded. There are a lot of fake milkmen will say that they would supply 21 or 3 meas per rupee on mere prejudice, besides they can not stand longer due to finance and character. So I humbly request you to kindly allow me to supply 2 mess per rupee as the business does not meet both ends. Sometimes I am asked to supply extra milk pure. I can't expect my cows to milk extra whenever I desired. Similarly I request you to allow me to supply outside milk for all extras. Begging to be excused for the trouble given, I beg to remain
Hond Madam Your most obedt Servant GOVINDOCPILLAT Milkman.