17 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 2

The efforts of the German Government to induce Bavaria to

modify its encouragement of the reactionary elements led, on Monday, to the resignation of the Bavarian Premier, Herr von Kahr. The majority in the Bavarian Landtag, apparently, wished—contrary to the Premier's views—to come to terms with Berlin regarding the suppression of certain Monarchist journals by the Chancellor and the continuance of martial law in Bavaria. It is by no means clear, however, that Bavaria will now fall into line with the rest of Germany. The Monarchists are in the ascendant at Munich, where the Socialist reign of terror is not forgotten, and a considerable armed force is still maintained contrary to the spirit of the Peace Treaty. The Bavarians' traditional and well-justified dislike of Prussia helps the Monarchists to secure popular sympathy in their resistance to the decrees of Berlin.