17 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 23

The Advancement of Science 2921. (Murray. 664—Under this title the

British Association has published the text of the presidential address by Sir T. E. Thorpe and the sectional addresses delivered at Edinburgh, following the good example which it set last year. It is moat convenient to have all the addresses bound up together in a compact form. We may direct attention to Mr. W. L. Hichens's valuable address, in the Economic Section, on " The Principles by which Wages are Determined," to Mr. C. S. Orwin on "The Study of Agricultural Economics," Sir Henry Hadow on " The Place of Music in a Liberal Education," Professor Lloyd Morgan on " Consciousness and the Unconscious," and Dr. M..0. Forster on " The Laboratory of the Living Organism," revealing the wonders of bio-chemistry.