17 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 24

Villiers : His Five Decades of Adventure. By Frederic Villiers.

(Hutchinson. 2 vols. 24s. net.)—As an artist correspondent Mr. Villiers has had a remarkable experience of travel and war, from the days of the Commune, and his two volumes of reminiscences are most readable. It would be hard to mention a country that he has not visited or a modern campaign in which he has not taken part. The chapters on Plevna, the Afghan War, the bombardment of Alexandria (during which ho was on board the ' Condor '), El Teb, Abu Klea, and the siege of Port Arthur are among the most noteworthy parts of an interesting book. In the late war Mr. Villiers fell foul of the War Office, and expresses his indignation in plain terms. He succeeded, however, in sketching typical scenes on the Western front in 1914, one of which is given among the illustrations.