In the actual preservation of the wilder parts of the
country- side recent action in Norfolk is beyond parallel, as every naturalist knows ; and Mr. Russel Colman, the Lord Lieuten- ant, who will open the conference, has notably assisted the Norfolk naturalists, and by his sympathetic attitude helped to enlarge the string of sanctuaries that, like the forests, have no rival in Europe. The " Town and Country Planning Act," which the Conference will illuminate and discuss is not, of course, definitely concerned with the naturalist or the sanc- tuary ; but the existence of such reserves is of no little use to the planners ; in this regard Norfolk is a model for all countries to follow. Its wilder areas of sand and shingle, of marsh and Broad, have been preserved for all time, both by that excellent body, the Norfolk Naturalists' Trust and such famous naturalists as Lord Grey and Mr. Montagu, whose mantle has been handed on to Lord Desborough. Nor is there any finer group of men in England than the official watchers and organizers, one at least of whom, Mr. Vincent of Hickling Broad, has won a national, if not an international, reputation.