Financial Notes
THE Stock Markets during the early days of this week were affected by a recrudescence of anxiety with regard to inter- national politics. It was felt that the action taken by Germany with regard to armaments was one likely to force to the front issues of the utmost importance, and the same impression was evidently produced in France where comparative buoyancy on the Paris Bourse gave way to considerable sales of Mining shares and other specialities in which the Bourse had become interested. Wall Street, too, inflicted a cold douche on tin. markets by heavy selling orders, the New York Stock Markets having apparently come to doubt the merits of the recent excited rise, or at any rate to wonder -whether the upward movement had been overdone. The effect was to bring about a general reaction in Industrial and Speculative stocks here and at the same time to cause some revival in British Funds and kindred securities owing to the continued cheapness of money and a renewal of the desire to seek safety first.