17 SEPTEMBER 1983, Page 19

Moles in industry

Sir: Christopher Hitchens must be congratulated on his dexterity in writing an article on Trotskyists in industry (3 September) without ever dealing with the fact that they are quite often slotted in so that they may cause trouble. It all sounds so charming and boyish and good-humoured. Perhaps that's because Mr Hitchens was that kind of a mole. But I fear some have sharper teeth. As for Mr Hitchens's former colleague, Roger Rosewell, he is not some 'roving exhibit for Aims of Industry' any more than Mr Hitchens is a roving exhibit for the Spectator.

As former industrial organiser for the Socialist Workers' Party, Mr Rosewell knows how things are done. Management are generally ianocent about such things — and he is very good at opening their eyes.

Michael Ivens

Director, Aims of Industry, 40 Doughty Street, London WCI