17 SEPTEMBER 1983, Page 19

Wrong Anderson

last As Elizabeth Jennings so aptly wrote in last week's Spectator, 'Anyone who gains Prestige or notoriety today is constantly questioned about the more persorAl parts of their life and this generally means the least interesting.' Paul Johnson pointed out

the same issue that what one reads in these Personal stories is all too often based

on lazy and unscrupulous misquotation and Pure invention.

Richard Ingrams's spite was to be expected. Malice is one thing — but retailing a lie without checking is another. I have never met Michael Manley. His Present wife's name is Maiden Beverley and her

name was Anderson. Before her marriage I believe that she worked in television in Jamaica. Kate Wharton dial 11, nt mention Mr Manley to me during her interview, which was taped, despite the Inference in her article. Had she done so, 1 t,,w°L115 have explained the mistake, as I did '-' a Journalist from the Standard who was sensible enough to ask me about it before gc'hig into Print. ,The editor of the Mail on Sunday has Chosen not to print my letter protesting al bLout Ms Wharton's inaccurate innuendo. 'tope that you will be fair and courteous enough

apoiogy. to publish this one, with an

Beverly ( 6 S Phillpotts) Anderson 6 S Phillpotts) Anderson outhmoor Road Oxford (We aPnlogise: Ed.)