. . and statistics'
`ONE third of black New Yorkers between the ages of five and 19 are murdered.
(Sunday Times, 18 July) THIS staggeringly high rate has never been reported before. The long- standing inability of the US Information Service at the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square to handle enquiries expeditiously, makes it impossible to check just where the error has crept in, but it seems likely the statement should go 'one third of deaths among black New Yorkers aged five to 19 are homi- cides.'
£20 goes to E. Read, of London W11.
'A MOTION (at the annual conference of the Townswomen's Guild) urging the introduction of identity cards to combat increasing law and order problems and fraud was passed by a majority of 3-1. . . . In a ballot, the vote was 1,221 for and 886 against.'
(Daily Telegraph, 30 June) £10 goes to Peter Spence, of Tyne and Wear. Send examples (the UCW permitting) to . . and statistics'; £20 for the best published; £10 for every other published.