Hons and Rebels
REGALING me with hilarious tales of Farv, Muv, their ill-trained butler, Shuv, and their nouveau-riche governess, Parv, Decca Mitford insisted I join the family for an intensely personal reunion amidst the intimate surroundings of a Foyle's Literary Luncheon. I accepted with glee.
The entire Mitford clan was present, except, I am sorry to say, Diana whom Decca had refused to invite for fear she would use the occasion to rally fellow diners against the duly-elected democratic government. But it was most agreeable to see Debo, dressed casually in the barest modicum of tiaras, and the other one, whose name few could remember, but who appears very much alive 'Wallace Arnold, allow me to introduce you to my sis-
ter. . . Erm. . . Erm. . . ' said Decca. `Delighted to meet you, Erm,' I chipped in, quick as a flash, saving everyone much