German papers to the 11th instant havC arrived in town this morning, but their contents are uninteresting.
Letters from Paris, dated on Thursday, announce that the French Ministry have expressed an intention of resigning, but that the King has urged them to remain. Charles is said to have declared that he will never admit the Liberals ; and it is allowed, on all sides, to be impossible to restore the Ultras.
By an arrival this mornino. from Jamaica, we have received papers from that island to the 17th of March, and from Carthagena to the 27th of February. A French ship of war had on board M. Crisson, an Envoy front the French Government, and also the Duke of Montebello ; these gentlemen immediately set off for Bogota, but it does not appear that the Duke went out in any official capacity.
Bolivar is stated in these accounts to have been very successful in putting down the rebellion. Santander has been removed to Vene- zuela ; and a vessel was fitting out in which he was to take his departure from a country which has so long been the scene of his jilt holies.
The Attorney-Generalship if Jamaica, which hacl become vacant by the retirement of Mr. Burge, has been offered to Mr. Scotland the barrister.
It is stated, in an Irish paper, that .Lords St. Helen, Lake, and Roden, who voted in the minority on the Catholic question, have been dismissed from their situations in the Kings household.
It appears, by the letters from Dublin this morning-, that the subscription for a national testimonial to M. O'Connell, goes on prosperously.