Under the head of " Smam , Packets to the West
Indies," the Colon/al Gazelle of last Wednesday says—" We have the satisilictieu to announce that there is at length it certainty of this grand im- provement being realized W.1111111 a definite period. The arrange- ment so loog pending between the Government and the Royal Mail Steam-Packet Conepany has now been completed ; and the Directors have, With laudable promptitude, contest-led for the building and achioery of the requisite mmml mmmi m r of' steamers. These are to be of 1,250 tons hurtle)), and in regard to the form and the cabins, of a superior construction. They will be reudy for sett in the noteenot ef next year when our splendid Colonies in tile West Indies will be brought practi- cally as near tie us as were, not hole ago, many parts of the United King- dom to the Metropolis. It would he diflienli to esaggerate the beneficial effects %%Ilia may flow from this eleange, but we shall eta dilate on the subject at pre-sent. Many of oar readeis ere no are that some contra- versy has a i isen about the route that (alight. to be adopted with a view to the convenience of all the intercem concerned ; alai it is doubtless a question exilic!' deserves full consideration. 11-e understand the Go- VI:mu:on has the power of altering the course of the packets as cir- cumstances may render expedient ; and as the suggestions which have been published by various parties will shottly ophlioas front all the Colonies; we shall reserve the expressbdi of our own mail we ac- quire the additional information they may he expected to contribute."