WAWOVIler. April 17.--4111 lteginictit l'or:ttl 11 Roso kEasigo ot the re.lth Fth.11 Ito I.:, 1. 1,110‘11, Gem, to he Cornet. by purchase, vice R so, who retires. lot or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guams.-IlattatiotoSurg J. Job. st ii to lw Surg.-Makier, vice J. Harrison. who retires 13th Foot—Ensign 0. Newsom, hone ball;pny of thu lot Greek Light Inatutrv Regi- ment. to Le Ensign. vice Curium,. : hut to the 16th Light Drags.; A. Montgo- mery. 6e,,t. to to Ensign, 1.y pia, lo vac, New,em, who retires. 20th Foot Ma.;or W. II. Gologan, front hail pee ci a t lied, to be Major, vice J. Maclean, who ox- Capt. F. Cruad to be Nlah r. 1.y purchase. vire Cadogan, who retires; Lieut. J. C. W. Vivian to he Capt. le, pm,I. e we Croad; Ensign G. Stet ens to be Lieut. by p..tellase. sire VIA out l I.W Poley. Gent to be EnAgn, by yorell.ce, vice Sim; :8111t na.t.--). Van II M Gent, to be Ensign, by parelnoe, vice riper. m mooted. 4thli Foot— G We.t Gent. to be Et.sign, by putvhec site Hely, appo...t.• t - the 7ilt Light Dia:, h Fist— ('apt. C. WW1 to TO rtla,or, by pur- chase. %kr: Walker. who retio,; .1 I,. Smith to to Capt by purchase, vice 1:, b,go P. Wein m be I, .t I or; Ica,. sice Smith; T. G. Knox. Gent. to be tcu I 9 I, It. V. Mundell, Gent, to be Ensign. withoot pm chase, toe P Mc c led to Ihe lot Weal India Regiment. 74th Foot - Le, go 0. n !., a pialebase, Yiee who retires; S.
T. Cent, to lit. I, • sire'
1.1 V.4,1 India itet. ;•11.1..;ti F. Motown, limn the t N1, Foot, to be Lima, without.
ice Renee.