The present omnibuses have be e n hung considered to require much
improvement, and it seems that a new l'arm is a'entt to be introduced, which may be expected to obviete several eeieting. inconveniences. The patent omniatmes will be divided iato two different compartments by a partitiou ,th mg, the ceatre, and havieg e sew of seats on each side against the por;ilion. and fl-ing the wissla•es. ample room being given for pa!,,,e..Prers to to l...., their seats, the sl 1 ,s :0 he entered by distinct door', andc.rails ;au l'.. 'l \ ..o. ro Ill it hi v i'',1s inay guide themselves to and from the vaeate 1,1 es. tas wia,lee e will lie in front of the passengers when saes a \ tum,uih ..I . ;AV ,'..',.;:ill. then be obtamed without the fear of to'.I.,_ .: 1: 1. li. i'. '. : ' .. ',' - ' ' , will be checked IV the l'a."Vere I.., 11:•P.' . .., '11 sale, with strings waaie reaeh me .s.. ::,oy wish to get out, a-sa en wham -.• - .. e ; ■ ',... aet down ; also, which mull le- e s...• . slush an ex.teut of the steps behind. I hal ':- .- '!• -. ' ol he , 111,Alid I:l tread on the car- riage-road at all.— 'flews;