:11 () :1 Y MARKET.
1.1•1(.• plentifelnees of rrad.1-, rt..' :oned 1.) the ismie itie Dividelek pro- duced Its tceuiul effect upon t Goa., I ',merit SeetaitieA, and all deseriptions Anti. ■Al re in dernand tInring Goa p at of the week. This was the more
remarkable on talay, , the dos leo 'I tor the settlement of the Comm! Ac-
count, %Len large anamots of sto: k icier taken off the market by the Scotch and Irish Banks. The continuation or premium paid by the speculator to the capitalist for holding stock till the. next Account was only per cent., barely affording an interest upon the capital so employed at the rate of' 2i per cent, per annum. On that day, (Tuesday,) Consuls for Money were at 914; Re.' duced Three per Cents. at 90i; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., for which there Wits an extraordinary demand, were at 9n ; and Reduced Three-and-a_ half' per Cents. at 988. The Three per Cent. Stocks were thus about Red the Three-andsa-half per Cents. from a to 5, per cent, above our prices of Sa. turday last. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has also improved Is., am has been steady during the week at from 24s. to 26s. The warlike tenor of the intelligence from Naples, received yestoday, produced an immediate effect upon the money-market ; mid in the course of yesterday the Funds declined
to the whole extent of the pievious advance. The downward tendencit theme heen augmented to-day by the conversation that occurred last night In the
Douse of Commoes upon the subject of our dispute ; and the Funds have again given way. Consols for Money were done in the counc of the months, at 903j; Reduced at 891; and Consols for Account at 914. The prices of dine Three-and-a-half per Cent. Stock were, however, better supported; being but a Fomall quantity of these descriptious of securities in the hands of the jobbers,. The market continued heavy till the middle of the ttly, when a small purchase of Consols for Money, lty the Chancery Broker, at 91, gave a tone to it; and this being followed by other money investments, the price im- proved to 91h Ibr 3101:ey, and 91;1 for the Account : but before the close, the market receded again ; and the last quotation was Orq,, for Money, and 94 sellers for Account.
The decline of the English Funds has operated tuditvourably upon Dutch Securities ; and this description of Stork is to-day fully It per cent below our prices of Saturday, the price of the Two-zutil-a-hall per Cents. having declined to53,12, and that of the Five per Cents. to it t". This depression having brought in smile buyers, the market had assented a firmer appearance: but, just pre- view; to the close of business, the letters brought by the Dutch mail were deli- venal, and us the market in Holland is represented RS weak, several sales were effected, and Two-and-a-half per Cents. were freely offered at 534. The other Northern European Secnrities are unchanged. There 'Hive been but few varia- tions in the South American Stocks, and no transactions of importance. The recent Ministerial changes in Madrid have caused a decline of 1 per cent. in the price of Spanish Securities : these bonds. which have been at 29-4, were yester- day (the settling-day) its low as 28A. There was nut so great at pressure of Stock as is usual on settling-days ; the market being supported by the necessity under which some parties, AVItO had Sold largely on speculation, were placed, of providing Stock for delivery. As soon. however, as this artificial support was withdrawn, a decline commenced; and in the course or the day the price fell from 28* to the latter being the closing quotation. The market has pre- sented a better appearance to-day, and was at one period 28g ; but just previous to the close, it suddenly fell to 2S!,.
The delay of' the Lisbon mail, which did not arrive till to-day, coupled with the decline of Spanish Stock, produced a depression in Portuguese Securities;
and yesterday tile quotations were per cent. below those of Saturday, the Five per Cents. being at 85, aml the Three per Cents. at 24k. This morning, however, the expected packet arrived with intelligence to the Gth instant ; and as from that we learn that the present Ministry are sure of a large majority itt the new Cortes, the elections for which are now in progress, Stock rose full 1 per cent, from the lowest quotations of yesterday, and the market assumed a firm appearance, though it gave way just at the close. The demand lint Railway Shares, which we noticed last week, still continues; and under the operation of it London and Birmingham Lave advanced W.; Great Westere about Si., and Brighton 1/. per Share upon our last quotations. SATURDAY, TWEIXF o'CLOCK44 The intelligence brought by the Great Western of' the state of our dispute with the Ileited States upou the question of the Maine Boundary, has quite counter:lord the effect of the anticipant arrangement with the Neapolitan Government, end the perstiattion that we may ultimately be plungeti into war with America, has produced settle considerable yaks of English Stock. In the early part of the morning all descriptions of it were a per Cent. below the closing price of' Thursday; but a reartion to nearly the full extent of the de- cline has since occurred, and ell the Etiglish Funds arc now within ?, per cent. of that price, la the Foreign 111ml:0, Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, have been RS low as 5:1i, but have since improved to liftit Portuguese Five per Cents. are rather lower than on Thursday, with little doing. Spanish Stock len4 been at 28, but we believe only one bargain was done at that price: it has-since been at 284, and is 11U1V Tei 4. Exchequer Bills have been at 21s., but have since reached 2.1s., and are now 22s. to 2-1s.
3 per Cent. Cnnsulls
Ditto tor Account rl'i 3 per ('cut. M411111'11 S9I ..?
III per Cent. Ditto ;181 I 1,:(•,- ..4 1,1 Uttliht. :Kit I
St, ok — Er:chewier Bills ..... 22 24 pm Italia Stock . ---
Brazilian e per Cents 714
104151 25 g 77
per Cents .53; a",;
Pcittigneselte,;eile biter Cts 35: I
Ditto ;; per Cents 2-11 5
Russian 5 per Cents 113 114 Spanish (Aetit e) 281
(..101 I liela,iani 5 per Cent,.
Cohnnb:,itt 6 per Cents 3 per Coots