18 APRIL 1840, Page 12

The following is a rerrect copy of the Archbishop of

Dublin's letter read ut the New Zealand meetings which has been inaccurately re- ported in most of the yews's:tilers. The apprehension of an English penal settlement in New Zealand appears not altogether unfounded, when we find Captain I lobson, in the Blue Book, pressing earnestly for the end! ',Intent of con% let la' our on the roads,* and although Lord Norm:Intl properly repelled the application, no security whatever exisis :list Lord Jolin Russell, or any future Colonial Minister, may not I. o.:uce couvic:5 into the New Zealand settlements. The Arch- bislits‘. we understen, inlet:cis to take an early opportunity of briuging the v. :ode subject Lcfore the :Leo,: of Lords.

" Kensington, 13th April 18.10. • 1>ear Sir-1 shall have left tos, n previous to the meeting at the NIansion-

hon. Though 1 do not wi..11 ic taAt: toty part in questions of international palic • I am desirue...t. tak;lag ev. r:. pr per e:porttinity or ppitc;-,ting against the tidies t••■ stem of haul vele!, it s.—tt -s stem este se natural etfitet is to keep lip and (Milts e. motel peoll.. Inc. Alio 0 add. that I think any plot .st against a alCitLit. -i thit, ki iii i a t I 'row, ticr. cult haitI. would have come with the better gracc per,on, at the time petition agaitist the adherence to tit:, in by our Govern.; witt. It would then Ile teiderstood, that it is not 1. r. :nal jealoti.v, but a (lei tate cutiviction as to the general tendency of the that ion- ilirth satel reaton,tranees. The fixing of at penal colony in Is, ••• Zealatul, cc unld actual 1,, even at ors(' than at Nov Smtb. Wales ; but the I,.ccec ground of condemn :lion be long to the system itself.

• 1 ani, dear Sir, yours salary faithfully,


• rie.,powt.mt..e Ah ti e',,:,cc'. try or ete relative to Now Zrala.nl," No. 17, page I.