At the Liverpool Assizes, on Saturday, the lIonourable henry Sydney
Plunket, of the Eighty-sixth liegimeet of Foot, was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment in Lancaster ( 'ii St le, to find two sureties of 10t1/. each, and enter into his own recognizance:" in 5one to keep tee Peace for two years, as a punishment for attempting to rescue a brother officer from custody at Wigan, and kicking Mrs. Burgoyne, landlady of an inn in that place. Mr. Henry Cash, of the same regiment, was se'ntenced to three months' imprisonment, to enter into his own recog- nizanees in 3001., and to find sureties in 100/. for joining ha the attempt at rescue.
At the Chester Assizes, on the same day, several Chartists, found guilty of sedition, were sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment. The noted William Benbow was sentenced to sixteen months' in ad- dition to eight months' imprisonment he had already undergone for sedition.