18 APRIL 1840, Page 9


Mr. Drummond, Under Secretary for Ireland, died on Wednesday, at his residence in the Pheenix Park, Dublin. lie was seized with inilam- illation of the bowels, which beffied medicine ; and out Tuesday night his case became hopeless, mortification haying set in. Mr. Drummond was well known in London as the active Private Secretary to Lord Althorp ; and in the lrkl, Under Secretaryship he proved himself a most efficient public effiet Ile appears to have won the regard of men of all parties. The lndelin correspondent of the •lehouleed, niter mentioning. 1:ie death. s-- " his private capacity 'Nil% Drummond was much esteemed by men who were ttiongly opposed to his political ophdons ; and by those oho Lad official

dealings with him its was much re.speeted for his prompt habits and leit.el demeanour :a 1 time Ills loss will be severely felt hy the Irish Cot erldoent."

3Ir, lInimmond has left a widow and three infant children.

The rumour of Chief llaron Wonlfe's retirement is renewed. Should it take place, the follow and promotions are expected to


Mr..Tustice Bail Chief Baron, Attorney-tit:nerd Brad:, Judge. Solieitur-t ;etteral Xtterney-General. :tlr. Sergeant iYtotere Solicitor-General, M \taster in Ch .:leery. Mr. Sergeant

Mitchel!. qt.. Sergeant.