18 APRIL 1840, Page 9

Two serious accidents happened on the Mile-end Road on Saturday

evening. A horse in a chaise took fright, and ran upon time broad side- walk, then crowded with booths and people. The owner. Mr. Mul- lieer, and his servant, were thrown out, but not seriously hurt. The horse dashed forward, lemotking down all in his way. One old man was so nitwit beittred be a blow from the shafts of the earn:one that he died in two hours. A hunt forty persons Were Imre Fifteen were taken to the London I len pitel, and the recovery of cute was coesidered doubtful. Soon afterwards, a cart, containing a quaetity of resin and a turpentine barrel, was discovered to be on fire : it was drawn by ter° hors, and before they could be released, the tail of' one of them was hunt oth The moving conlieeretion in the middle of the road had a very singular effect.

At a late hour on *Wednesday night, the premises of Messrs. Shaw and 3laewell, wine-merchants. Salisbury Street, Strand, were destroyed by fire. Mr. Robertson, a solicitor, who occupied the nipper part of the hdhling, perveived a strong smelt of gas, as he was going to bed, and went with a candle in his hand to the 'kitchen where the gas-meter Was pt:teed. liii opening the door of the counting-house, a tremendous ex- pleeion occurred ; and Mr. Robertson was blown several feet into the paseaue, where he lay etupitied for some minutes, and was then con- veyej to an opposite house. Mr. Edward Booth, a medical student woo lived in the same street, with extreordioary courage melted up entire and lrought two females and a child down with hint : they were nmell et:trilled, and but thr the assist at of a Policeman must have been stiffietated. The explosion blew out the casements and broke The windows of the opposite houses.