18 APRIL 1846, Page 10


STOCK EICEANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. _ The English Funds have declined, and were at one time 1 per cent below the closing price of last week; but as a rise ofLper cent has since occurred, the present closing quotations only mark a fall of per cent. This fall, which arose from circumstances hereafter detailed, would ubtless have continued, but for the support given to the market by the purchases of the Government-broker on account of the Savings-banks, Life Annuities, and East India Company. The first downward impulse was. given on Wednesday, on the arrival of the last mail from the United States, bringing intelligence that the President required an appropriation of 17,000,000 dollars for the augmentation of the naval and military forces of the Republic. This intelligence produced all the more effect because of the peaceful tenor of the previous adviccs. The tendency to decline was increased by the fact of the suspension of the purchases by the Government-broker on account of the Sinking-fund, which first occurred on that day. It was generally expected that the surplus revenue would be applied to the purchase of Stock; but it now appears that it will be used to pay off the advances made by the Bank of England, technically called Deficiency Bills. The support which the investment of nearly 1,000,0001. would have afforded to the market is thus withdrawn, and prices have declined in anticipation. Another reason for the depression is to be found in the state of the Railway market. It appears clear that a large majority of the schemes now in progress through Parliament will be broken up ander the operation of the contemplated Government measure; and a necessary consequence of such a proceeding will be the sale of the Stock and Exchequer Bills in which the deposits have been invested, to the extent of from 1,000,0001. to 2,000,0001. The premium of Exchequer Bills experienced an unusual decline; and yesterday, upon the simultaneous appearance of several heavy sellers, tell to 18s., but has rallied again today, and is quoted at from 21s. to 24s. In the Foreign Market, the only occurrence of importance has been an advance of 4 per cent in Spanish Securities, upon the receipt of intelligence of the forma-

tion of the new Ministry. This has not, however, led to any e operations. The better class of Railway Shares fully maintain the prices last week; and in some few instances an advance has occurred. The shares of the Eastern Counties line seem to be among the most improving; a result, probably, of the movement among the Scripholders of the London and York line to procure the abandonment of that undertaking, which, if effected, will leave the Eastern Counties York Extension scheme almost without a conipetitor; the Direct North- ern, from its connexion with the Cambridge and Lincoln, scarcely coming under the denomination of a rival line. The Scrip of the various lines is becoming ad- justed in price to the supposed amount that will be returned per share upon the final abandonment of the various schemes; prices varying from 11. upwards per share in proportion as the expenditure is supposed to have been heedless or careful. There is no material change in the Foreign Shares generally; and though some slight activity has been observable in the Dutch Rhenish, and some of the Belgian Shares, the quotations have not varied extensively from those of last week.


There is no change in the prices either of the English or Foreign Funds. The transactions of the Share Market have been unimportant; and the general ap- pearance is not quite so firm as yesterday. We can at present only notice the occurrence of the following transactions: Aberdeen, 34; Caledonian, 6*; Great Western, 1464; Brighton, 63; London and York, 144; Croydon, 214; Newcastle and Darlington, 434.


We cannot notice any change of importance in either the Foreign or Eng ' Funds; all of which close at our morning's quotations. The Railway Shares are generally heavy, without any material variation in prices. We have to notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Eastern Counties, 224 4; Great Western, 1464; Ditto, Half-shares, 854; London and Birmingham, 2234; London and Brighton, 63; London and Croydon, 214 4; London and South-western, 764; London and York, 14 4; South-eastern and Dover, 364; Ditto, New, No. 2, 104; York and Carlisle, 24; Dutch-Rhenish, 54 4; Great Northern of France, Con• stituted, 144 4; Louvain and Jemeppe, 14; Orleans and Bordeaux, 104; Sambre and Meuse, 5; Tours and Nantes, Constituted, 64.

3 per Cent Consols

961 I

Columbian ex Venezuela 161 1

9% 6

Danish 3 per Cents 87 9 3 per Cent Reduced

941 1

Dutch 21 per Cents 591 31 per Cents

961 4

Ditto 4 per Cents 921 Long Annuities

10 1-16 3-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 311 1 Bank Stock


Ditto Deferred 161 4

Exchequer Bills prem. 23 6

Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 57 8 India Stock

Ditto 4 per Ceuta 1845 • • • 57 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents

80 2

Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Belgian 41 per Cents

9T 9

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 241 254 Chili= 6 per Cents

96 a

Ditto 3 Cents 1842 361 t