18 APRIL 1857, Page 21


Partnerships Dissoleed.-D. and F. Barstow, Bradford, Yorkshire, or elsewhere, grocers-Pilling and Co. Ravvtenstall, Lancashire, confeetioners--Minshall and Co. Oswestry, hop-merchants ; as far as regards J. Minshall-E. and E. Betts, High Street, Putney, butchers-H. and W. Wulfson, Manchester, dealers in watchesGreenwood and Longhottom, Halifax, fancy-cloth-manufacturers-Riley and Mallinson. Halifax, wool-dealers-Francis and Dunn, Gray's Inn Lane, engineers-Lancaster and Co. Cobridge, Staffordshire, coal-miners-Satterthwaite sen. and Satterthwaite jun. Lancaster, grocers-Haigh and Co. Reddish Vale, Lancashire, papermanufacturers; as far as regards W. Haigh-Shackleton and Build, Sheffield, brewers-G. :ind S. Pim, Liverpool, corn-brokers-Gibbon and Alacgregor-Patent Graining Company, Minories ; as far as regards W. Nash-Addington and Fassett, Mitcham, varnish-makers-Howe and Cooper, York, brewers-Wood and Co. Crescent Place, Blackfriars, wine-merchants-Holt and Meadoweroft, Ardwick, plumbers-Percy and Co. Nottingham, attomeys-Nosworthy and Snell, Coleman Street, lithogmphic-printers-Bmdly and Cogan, Greenwich, surgeons-Evans and Co. Winchcomb, Gloucestershire, paper-manufacturers; as far as regards W GillingFisher and Flews, Masham, Yorkshire, attorneys-Refill and Fawcett, Leeds, woolvlyers-T . and W. A. Malcolm, Durham, ironniongers-Shiels and Co. Leith, winemerchants.

Bankruptcy Annulled.-WILLIem POPHAM Dseis and JAMES DAVIS, Cardiff, slatemerchants.

Banknipts.-JAHVII CHOAT, Albert Road, Dalston, tailor, to surrender April 23, May 21: solicitors, Morris and Co. 5loorgate Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

Fenn:awe Leer, High Street, Lambeth, and Lavender Villas, Battersea, potter, April 23, Slay 21: solicitor, Phillips, Sias Lane ; official assignee, Johnson, Basing

hall Street.

ALEXANDER BLONMAM HENDERSON, London Street, Paddington, livery-stablekeeper, April 29, May 26: solicitor, Venice, *Greshitin Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street. JOSEPH SHITH, Broad Street, Lambeth, dealer in iron, April 28, May 29: solicitors, Tippetts and Son, Sise Lane ; official assignee. Cannan, Aldennanbury. WILLIAM JAMES TATLER, Albion Terrace, Kingsland, upholsterer, April 28, May 26: solicitors, Lawrance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court.

Wizzism ADAMS, Huntingdon, miller, April 30, May 28: solicitors, Bird and Moore, Gray's Inn Square; Millen, Huntingdon ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court.

WILLIAM TMVT, Royal Exchange, hosier, April SO, May 26: solicitors, Hillyer and Fenitick, Fenchurch Street; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury.

THOMAS Ricasuns, Aberyetwith, Cardiganshire, draper, May. 4, June 1: solicitors, Brittan and Sons, Bristol ; official assignee, Acmman, Bristol. CEORGE JAS-NE junior, Newport. Monmouthshire, builder, April 27, May 25: Solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol.

RICHARD Wizersat NEAVE, Market Rosen, Lincolnshire, and Sheffield, miller, May 6, June 3: solicitors, Daubeny, Market Rosen; Stamp and Jackson, Hull ; official assignee. Carrick, Hull. Ssirem, DANIEL, and ALFRED DALToN, Leeswood, Flintshire, iron-masters, April 28, May 25: solicitors, Cooper and -Sons, Manchester ; Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Cszenove, Liverpool. ANDERSON Swami, Findon Hill, Durham, grocer, April 27, June 9: solicitors, Watson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Harwood, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Diridenets.-May 8, Cohen and Lubliner, Hatton Garden, manufacturing goldsmiths-May 8, Cannon, Love Lane, Eastcheap, meat-salesman-May *Butt, Littlehampton, Sussex, ironmonger-May 14, Tanner, Chippenham and Bath, common carrier.

Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of ow-Mag.-May 8,8. H. and C. IL. Griev eson, Deptford, Durham, joiners-May 8, Wilkinson, Lindley, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer-May 9, Spendlove, Sheffield, horse-dealer-May 9, Bee, Sheffield, table-Isnife-manufacturer.

Declarations of Diridends.-Thosnson Deniers Street, Oxford Street, and West End, Hampstead, manufacturer of silvered glass ware; first div. of 44. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldennanbury-Dobion, Poole, tailor ; first div. of 2s. 104. any Monday ; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Russell, Strand, blacking-manufacturer; first div. of Ss. 64. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury.

Scotch Sequestrations.-Spenee, Ferry-Port-on-Craig, Fifeshire, merchant, April 24-M.Rostie, Crieff, Perthshire, fiesher, April 22-Glennie, Glasgow, lace-wareboa:waken, April 24-Sharp, Kirkwall, Orkney, draper, April 25-Murray, Port Glasgow, tailor, April 24.